September 2013 Archive

Five years after the crash began
By Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr Guest Columnist Five years after the beginning of the financial collapse and the Great Recession, where are we? President Obama has offered Americans a progress ...
Embrace the struggle
By Edmund W. Lewis Editor We’re finally reached the down side of the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season but the storm is far from over in New Orleans. Here in the Big Uneasy, ...
Brothers celebrate simultaneous premieres in NYC
By Fritz Esker Contributing Writer New Orleans natives and siblings Brennan and Zachary Manuel premiered their talents in fashion and filmmaking in New York City recently.
‘Twisting up’ the N.O. police brutality case
By Lee A. Daniels NNPA Columnist Surely, there’s no little historical irony in the fact that two events occurred two weeks ago that were reminders that as far as Black Americans are ...
Are all males destined to become grumpy old men?
Dr. Alyse Hamilton Contributing Writer (Special to the NNPA from the Spokesman-Recorder) – The short answer to the question, “Are all men destined to become grumpy as they age?” is no ...
The Hard Truth — Trayvon is on trial
By Min. J. Kojo Livingston Contributing Writer first response cash loans Trayvon Martin is on trial for his death. The dead teen is on trial to see if he deserved to be stalked ...
Supreme Court decision reopens door for restrictive voting laws
By Zenitha Prince Contributing Writer (Special to the Trice Edney News Wire from the Afro Ameri­can Newspaper) — One predicted consequence the Supreme Court’s invalidation of a central portion of the ...
A housing ‘Black tax’
By Lee A. Daniels NNPA Columnist If home ownership is, overwhelmingly, the foundation of individuals’ and families’ economic security in America, Black Americans face a profoundly difficult predicament. For when it comes ...
What is a living wage?
By Julianne Malveaux NNPA Columnist Last week, workers at fast food restaurants demonstrated outside their places of work, highlighting the low wages they receive and demanding more. They say twice as much, ...
Two-week deadline given to find monitor for OPP consent decree
By Sara Rahman Shortly after concluding a hearing to determine installment loans in phoenix arizona the cost of a consent decree for the Orleans Parish jail, U.S. District Judge Lance ...

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