February 2021 Archive

Ella Josephine Baker
HBCU students who led the Civil Rights Movement and Freedom Rides
By C.C. Campbell-Rock Contributing Writer Editor’s note: This is the second in a series focusing on some of the country’s iconic graduates of HBCUs and their accomplishments. It is a historic fact ...
Louisiana rental assistance program to launch ‘shortly’ state housing group says
By JC Canicosa Contributing Writer But $309 million probably won’t be enough to meet the state’s need (lailluminator.com) — The COVID-19 relief package passed by Congress at the end of 2020 extended rental ...
Mass vaccinations may come by next month, city health director says
By Philip Kiefer The Lens New Orleans Health Department Director Dr. Jennifer Avegno said on last Tuesday that mass COVID-19 vaccination drives are likely to begin in the city as soon as ...
ACLU sues La. State Police for access to facial recognition documents
By Michael Isaac Stein The Lens The ACLU of Louisiana sued the Louisiana State Police over its refusal to release documents related to facial recognition technology the agency utilizes through the Louisiana ...
Vaccine Hesitancy vs. Vaccine Refusal: Nursing home staffers say there’s a difference
By Aneri Pattani Contributing Writer (Special from khn.org) — It had been months since Tremellia Hobbs had an excuse to bring out the pompoms. Before the pandemic, they were a crowd favorite ...
Award-winning filmmaker, genealogist reveals intimate truth and personal histories of Upper 9th Ward Desire Community
By Eddie Ponds Contributing Writer (Special from The Drum Newspaper) — Genealogist Leonard Smith III has been bridging the gap between Louisiana’s past and present.
In BB gun suspension case, AG Jeff Landry joins families fighting Jefferson Parish School Board
By JC Canicosa Contributing Writer (lailluminator.com) — Louisi-ana Attorney General Jeff Landry added the State of Louisiana to a lawsuit against the Jefferson Parish School Board brought by the father of a ...
Why Black America could care less about Emanuel Jackson’s fate
By Stacy M. Brown Contributing Writer (NNPA Newswire) — Emanuel Jackson is realizing – perhaps a bit too late – that the grass is never greener on the other side.
Stacey Abrams, Black Lives Matter nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
By Lauren Victoria Burke Contributing Writer (NNPA Newswire) — Both Stacey Abrams and the Black Lives Matter movement have been nominated to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Louisiana officials defend oil and gas industry, criticize President Biden’s order pausing offshore drilling
By Jarvis DeBerry Contributing Writer (lailluminator.com) — Members of Louisiana’s congressional delegation and officials from the state’s executive branch lined up last Wednesday alongside parish-level politicians and oil and gas lobbyists to ...

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