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Anders Breivik and Christian terrorism

8th August 2011   ·   0 Comments

By A. Peter Bailey

When reading about Anders Behring Breivik’s intense hatred of Muslim immigrants that led him to kill 76 people, most of them non-Muslim teenagers, in Oslo Norway, I immediately thought of a 2006 column by prominent military analyst, Ralph Peters.

In a November 26, 2006 column, “The Eurabia Myth,” in the New York Post, Peters, a regular on Fox News, scoffed at those who believe that through population growth Muslims will be in a position to turn Europe into “Eurabia.” With undiluted scorn he wrote:

“Don’t let Europe’s current round of playing pacifist dress-up fool you. This is the continent that perfected genocide and ethnic cleansing, the happy-go-lucky slice of humanity that brought us such recent hits as the Holocaust and Srebrenica….The historical patterns are clear: When Europeans feel sufficiently threatened — even when the threat’s concocted nonsense – they don’t just react, they over-react with stunning ferocity. One of their more-humane (and frequently employed) techniques has been ethnic cleansing….And Europe’s Muslims don’t even have roots, by historical standards. For the Europeans, they’re just the detritus of colonial history. When Europeans feel sufficiently provoked and threatened — a few serious terrorist attacks could do it — Europe’s Muslims will be lucky just to be deported…. Far from enjoying the prospect of taking over Europe by having babies, Europe’s Muslims are living on borrowed time. When a third of French voters have demonstrated their willingness to vote for Jean-Marie Le Pen’s National Front – a party that makes the Ku Klux Klan seem like Human Rights Watch – all predictions of Europe going gently into that good night are surreal…. All the copy-cat predictions of a Muslim takeover of Europe not only ignore history and Europe’s ineradicable viciousness but do a serious disservice by exacerbating fear and hatred. And when it comes to hatred, trust me the Europeans don’t need our help.”

That’s what you call telling it like it is. And people from Africa and Asia had better be on alert for Breivik-like forces in the European and American cities where they live. According to the Washington Post, local media in Oslo initially placed blame on Islamic jihadists for the attacks. This report caused great fear for Muslims in that city. “We called each other and said it is not going to be safe for us to live here anymore,” noted an Imam. They were somewhat relieved when it was found that the mass murderer was a native Norwegian.

The local Oslo newspapers weren’t the only press to jump to conclusion as to who was the killer in Oslo. The next day’s Wall Street Journal, one of the most important and influential newspapers in the U.S., without a shred of evidence, also blamed Islamic jihadists for the murderous attacks in an editorial — not an article, not an op-ed piece, but in an editorial, “Terror in Oslo.” One wonders how many Muslims in the U.S. became fearful for their safety after reading that editorial in one of the country’s leading newspapers.

Finally, though Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and their conservative collaborators constantly use the description “Islamic” or “Muslim” terrorist, they whine and stomped their feet when Breivik is called a Christian terrorist which, by the way, is what he calls himself.

This article was originally published in the August 8, 2011 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper

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