The Great American conspiracy
15th August 2011 · 0 Comments
It is with great sadness that this newspaper introduces the “race-card” into the present debate about the American economy, presidential leadership and the direction of the country. But the reality is the facts lead us to no other conclusion.
Let us never forget that at the beginning of the current U.S. Congress, PRESIDENT BUSH LEFT A NATIONAL FINANCIAL DISASTER THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA INHERITED. In spite of this national disaster, the Republican leadership actually announced that its primary agenda was first and foremost—to make President Obama, elected by the people a one-term President of the United States.
1. Why? Supposedly because of the “Affordable Healthcare Act,” nicknamed “Obama Care” to insure that it was at all times identified with the President and not an issue of law. Why? Because the law in redesigning the healthcare system, takes billions of dollars in profits away from insurance companies, doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. These entities represent America’s “big business” interest.
2. The Republican Party’s primary interest is having government support big business, first. Only what is left over, drips down to the American people.
This “prime directive” goes back to the founding fathers. The difference between them and present leadership is that they made laws for the good of the country and well as their own business interests because they understood the connection between the two. Hence, they were “Statesmen” because they were concerned with the future of the country and not “Politicians” who are only concerned with immediate responses to their own interest and needs.
The “Tea Party” members of Congress and Republican leadership who have committed to “No Taxes” at any cost demonstrated their party’s doctrine last December when they held an extension of unemployment benefits to millions of Americans hostage for an extension of the exemptions to the “Estate Tax” which benefits the wealthy; These same Tea Party members are calling the “Economic Stimulus” which did create some jobs, provide loans to the auto industry (much of which has since been repaid) and “bailout” financial and insurance institutions such as A.I.G. a failure when in reality, these actions represented “Presidential Leadership” by President Obama.
The history of America for the last 80 years and economic theory both prove that every period of high unemployment since the Great Depression of the 1930s has had some form of publicly finance job creation to put people back to work. With full knowledge of this reality, how is it that “Tea Party” supporters can demand that the President create jobs with no available funds, a freeze on the “debt ceiling” while fighting any tax increases which in fact represent the only way to raise additional revenues without cutting “Entitlement Programs” These same educated “Tea Party members know that such program cuts would virtually destroy and even kill millions of Americans on Social Security, Medicare, and eliminate the possibility of additional benefits to the 25 million Americans still unemployed.
Those “Tea Party” members of the U.S. Congress that created the “debt ceiling” crisis did so with full knowledge of everything mentioned here and therefore represent a violation of their “Oath of Office” in which each of them pledged to “up hold and defend” the Constitution of the United States.
Such actions constitute a “Conspiracy” which is defined as two or more people planning or engaged in an illegal act. The desire to make President Obama a “one-term” president and to do so by causing government to “fail” under his leadership, is intended to not only eliminate America’s first “Black President,” but to insure that any future effort to place a person of color in the White House” will instantly bring association with America’s first Black President.
Corporate America’s holding back of over one trillion dollars instead of creating jobs and stimulating the economy; the Standard and Poor’s down grade- the same rating group that failed to downgrade subprime financing institutions before the crisis they created and which this President had to address and their announcement of possible future downgrades at a time when investors are buying U.S. Bonds and Tax Certificates, is further evidence of this great “unspoken” conspiracy.
Americans should take a closer look at the track records and activities of their elected officials against the historical background presented here. Most, if not all of these problems were created under the last president, George Bush, who is rarely mentioned. He was white. Obama is blamed for everything since, in spite of his leadership. He is Black.
– Dr. John E. Warren
This article was originally published in the August 15, 2011 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper