9th January 2017 · 0 Comments
By Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq. Columnist
For years, I’ve listened with great interest to messages of inspiration, hope and motivation. Some may think many are too commercial, but I welcome the perspectives of positive speakers like Dr. Willie Jolley, Joel Osteen and Michelle Obama. Each, in his/her own way, seems to live the messages of self-help she/he delivers and has prospered from it. They affirm their belief that the same prosperity is available to those who would only reach for it in true faith.
I take great solace from the messages of inspiration delivered by many great theologians who reach out with messages designed to provide uplift to those weary with and overcome by the trials and travails of daily life. They serve as a beacon of hope to those willing to live their lives in faith.
In my own life, I’ve made self-directed and aspirational motivation a part of my daily routine. I’m rooted in the belief that the essence of a healthy life is a healthy mind and place the health of my mind in the hands of God. I believe that, in periods of distress or trouble, He is willing to protect me and can deliver me from any misfortune. I have great faith in my God and the skills and gifts with which He has endowed me. I cannot allow myself to believe that He would place an insurmountable obstacle in my way.
The greatest motivator and guide through this life we live is God. Most of His greatest life-remedies can be found in the Book of Proverbs. In fact, if you look closely enough, most, if not all, of the recommendations suggested by great speakers can be found in Proverbs – hidden in plain sight!
Irrespective of any individual life, God’s plan for His Creations is one of renewal and redemption. I know you’ve heard it said that “God is a God of Second Chances.” In His infinite Wisdom, He has given us markers and transition points by which we can measure our success, the limits of our tolerance or at which we must start or start again. In our lives we use seconds, days, weeks and years as these markers.
God also uses each sunrise, sunset and changing of the season as markers for us to use in navigating through life. Each of these transition points signals a beginning or ending, and gives us the promise of something new to come – something new for which we can look forward. By providing us with these markers, God signals us that any problem we encounter is temporary at best (or worst) and that with faith we can move through it and past it.
Looking forward to 2017, I see and believe we have a need – greater than before – for the faith to move into the future. Current circumstances suggest that this year, and the coming four years, will change the nature of our country and the world.
Security for the vulnerable seems at risk while the rich and powerful seem to be welcoming a period of greater prosperity. The politics of divisiveness appear to have overtaken the aim of seeking a society of greater commonality and good.
Health and education appear to be moving into a period where the right to both will be dictated by the depth of one’s bank account.
As with the fox and henhouse, the administration of (in)justice appears to be moving into the hands of those intent on turning back the clock of progress.
Despite the appearance of a future filled with great negativity, I know that God will cause the sun to rise, the seasons to change and fill our future with the opportunity to renew and do greater good.
I wish you a Happy New Year.
This article originally published in the January 9, 2017 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.