Filed Under:  Letter to the Editor, Opinion

Unwarranted criticism of District Attorney-elect Williams

21st December 2020   ·   0 Comments

Jeff Thomas, a co-owner to WBOK Radio and the owner of the Blog, “Think,” penned an editorial on his Blog entitled, 4 Keys to Jason Williams Victory. In Jeff Thomas’ editorial, Jeff appears to be attacking District Attorney-Elect Jason Williams for winning the resent DA’s election. In Jeff’s recap, Jeff levels several criticisms Mr. Williams, opponent used to discredit Mr. Williams. The most common among them was Mr. Williams pending federal indictment, which could be looked upon as being a political upheaval within its self.

It is worthy to note, Jeff and a majority of the staff at WBOK are directly affiliated with a local Black Political Action Committee known as the Black Organization for Leadership Development (BOLD), who endorsed Keva Landrum, Mr. Williams opponent.

Because of this relationship, it appears Jeff, WBOK and the Internet Blog are irate about the Landrum loss. Unlike what the “brand” of WBOK, suggest, Black Radio is not for the best interest of the Black Community. Since the election has concluded, any suggestions by the media concerning the pending indictment only serves to taint public opinion and the jury pool.

The inaccurate depiction of Keva Landrum being “without a hint of scandal” in this editorial was incorrect and needs to be balanced by the facts that Keva was part of past DA administrations that used unscrupulous and at times illegal methods to secure convictions, warrants and cover for arresting police officers. In addition, Keva’s own misgivings as judge in cases that were overturned by appeals courts, were aired during the campaign as well. I must ask; why would Jeff intentionally mislead the people of New Orleans?

The straw that broke the camels back was Jeff’s statement that District Attorney-Elect Jason Williams was enabled by President Donald Trump. This eliminates the work Mr. Williams and his campaign organization created to secure their victory. Mr. Williams is not out of woods yet. Mr. Williams has promised rigorous criminal justices reform, which afforded him the keys to the District Attorney’s office. To make this a victory for the people of New Orleans, the promised criminal justice reform must be realized. Mr. Williams must reveal the diamonds among the many particles of coal in the criminal justice system.

As far as social justice goes, Jeff Thomas and the WBOK organization need to reconsider what is really “The Source for Independent Thought and Analysis,” as his blog alludes. And why “Talk Black-Talk Back” is so important to the people of New Orleans, as WBOK, once boasted.

– Wes “W.C.” Johnson

This article originally published in the December 21, 2020 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.

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