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Louisiana residents share similar views on fossil fuels and renewables regardless of politics

24th June 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Wesley Muller
Contributing Writer

( — An overwhelming majority of Louisiana residents support the expansion of renewable energy alongside fossil fuel production in the state, and most residents believe the state government is doing too little to protect air and water quality, according to a new survey by LSU researchers.

The Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs at the LSU Manship School of Mass Communication released the third report of its 2024 Louisiana Survey, which polled over 1,000 residents in March and April for their views on energy, environment and coastal issues.

The survey found 75 percent support for expanded offshore oil and gas drilling in coastal Louisiana, and 72 percent support for solar farm expansions, and 59 percent support for wind turbines. The findings were generally consistent among all political affiliations, though Republicans were less supportive of wind energy than solar.

When asked which to prioritize, a slightly greater share of residents, 49 percent, said wind, solar and hydrogen should be prioritized while 47 percent chose fossil fuels.

About 72 percent support state tax credits for carbon capture and storage projects. Advocates of carbon capture tout it as an effective method to combat harmful greenhouse gas emissions, while skeptics say it is an unproven and potentially unsafe method.

The survey also revealed some skepticism about the impact renewable energy will have on everyday life. About 52 percent of Louisiana residents believe a shift from fossil fuel production to renewable energy sources would improve their local air and water quality, but only 30 percent think it will create job opportunities. About 34 percent of respondents believe renewables will improve home energy prices.

A clear majority, 55 percent, believes that state government does too little to protect air and water quality. In contrast, 57 percent think Louisiana is doing enough to protect animals and wildlife.

Furthermore, climate change appears to be very real for Louisiana residents. A plurality of those surveyed believe the state is doing too little about climate change, and overwhelming majorities believe climate change is contributing to extreme weather events.

Among those who said their community experienced unusual heat in the past year, two-thirds said climate change contributed. More notably, among those whose communities experienced severe flooding or storms, 76 percent said climate change played a role.

Coastal erosion is also a concern. A significant majority of Louisiana residents, 57 percent, say coastal land loss will cause great harm to people living in coastal areas of the state. Fewer believe it will cause substantial harm to residents living elsewhere, and only 40 percent believe it will harm the state’s economy.

An overwhelming 77 percent support the state providing financial assistance to residents to relocate from areas at high-risk of flooding or extreme weather. About 52 percent support requiring communities to relocate from those areas, and a significant 67 percent support mandates to restrict new construction in vulnerable parts of the state.

This article originally published in the June 24, 2024 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.

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