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American has gone down this road once before

15th July 2024   ·   0 Comments

Does anyone question if Joe Biden possesses the moral stature to be president? No! Instead, critics say he is too old because he stutters. Of course, Joe Biden has stuttered his entire life.

Does any Democrat question his fundamental policy stands? No! As his legislative successes enjoy widespread support across the American public.

Does any American have the ethical basis for saying a president is not up to the job because he gets tired in the evenings? No! Some restrictions on evening activity have been a common theme throughout administrations as widely disparate as Calvin Coolidge, Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. During each of their tenures, aides merely thought that the president needed to get some sleep, so that he was up for the tasks at hand during working hours.

President Joe Biden is being held to a standard which no other administration has endured. The ugly reason amounts to pure ageism, as well as the terror of senior Democrats in refusing to trust the sound judgment of the American electorate. Or even their own primary delegates, who opted for Joe Biden over his intra-party opponents by a factor of three. This anti-Democratic disconnect reminds our editors of the Will Rogers quote, “I belong to no organized political party; I’m a Democrat.”

More importantly, as the party of Jefferson and Obama rips itself apart, the party of Trump merely sits back in Milwaukee this week to enjoy the spectacle. Republicans also remember a crucial quote, “In politics, never get in the way when your opponents are in the process of destroying themselves.”

We’ve seen this before. The exact same scenario played out in 2016, which is more than likely how Trump got into the White House then.

It is a disservice when a small group that argues that they are representative of the population – and proceeded to make an unrealistic prognostication which affects the rest of us. Of course, the punditti class knows what they are doing. The chattering set on Sunday mornings seeks to influence those folk who vote but don’t pay attention to the issues and believe that the polls must be a good indicator. Consequently, at these pundits’ behest, voters go along with the polls because they want to be on what they have been led to believe constitutes the winning side.

A term exists for this collective neurosis: confirmation bias. Those in the Democratic Party who have an ax to grind with Joe Biden have used the controversy of recent fatigue to change the standard bearer of the party in November. Moreover, make no mistake, these pundits also seek to eject Kamala Harris from the ticket as well.

One only needs to witness the vice president’s unquestioned loyalty to Joe Biden – and Harris’ utter rejection of this DNC insider coup attempt – to realize her knowledge of the truth from another famous quote, this time from Benjamin Franklin, “We must hang together, or we will surely hang separately.”

This article originally published in the July 15, 2024 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.

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