Letter to the Editor

‘Buy Black’ challenge

My grandfather, Willie Green lived just outside of Selma, Alabama. My mom was his only daughter and we went to see him at least four

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The dirty water rule will heighten the clean water crisis for Black Americans

Clean water is a basic human right. Still, too many low-income communities and communities of color are not receiving their right of clean water. They

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Letter to the Editor Archives

Louisiana leads fight for America’s opioid babies
Earlier this year, Louisiana attorneys raised the need to seek help for the great number of babies, many born right here in our state, suffering from opioid withdrawal, a symptom ...
Illegal/Nuisance Yellow School Bus Parking in New Orleans
Why yet another school year has begun in New Orleans, and still the rampant, nuisance parking of school buses in our communities, when not in use, continues. This ...
Use a public health approach to reduce gun violence
On March 14 of this year, students across the U.S. left class for 17 minutes – one minute for every person killed in the Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School massacre. ...
Hate Thy Neighbor colors Sessions’ Immigration Practices
Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions has reached down into the garbage can of history to twist passages of Holy Scripture, once used by segregationists to perpetuate slavery, segregation, White nationalism and ...
Responding to Bayou Bridge article
Your recent article, “Bayou Bridge Pipeline Moves Ahead Despite Judges Ruling” which omits key information about the groups involved in pipeline protests.
Our scenic rivers help with flood control
Nearly 50 years ago, the Louisiana Legislature found that “there exist in Louisiana many unique and diverse free-flowing rivers, streams, and bayous which should be preserved, protected, and enhanced for ...
Police accountability and qualified immunity
The family of Stephon Clark, a 22-year-old unarmed Black man who was shot by Sacramento police, has filed a lawsuit in federal court, denouncing his death as yet one more ...
In support of community life and democracy
There are two things you need to know about newspapers. Newspapers are important to community life and democracy. Always have been. We at the National Newspaper Association think it is important ...

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