City announces 2012 Mardi Gras enforcement
14th February 2012 · 0 Comments
On Wednesday, the city announced its enforcement policies for the 2012 Mardi Gras season. Parades began Friday, February 10, 2012.
Two hours prior to the scheduled start of each Mardi Gras parade, any unauthorized vehicle on any part of the published parade route will be ticketed and towed. This will ensure public safety and facilitate the flow of the Carnival Krewes ($75 fine and seizure);
Two hours after a Mardi Gras parade ends, any unauthorized vehicle on any part of the published parade route will be ticketed and towed. This is done to clear the route for the city’s Department of Sanitation ($25 fine and seizure);
Beginning the Friday before Mardi Gras, at 12:01 a.m., until the Wednesday after Mardi Gras, at 6:00 p.m., no vehicles, except those issued permits, are allowed into the French Quarter between Iberville, N. Rampart, Dumaine, and Decatur ($50 fine and seizure);
Parking of vehicles equipped with living accommodations is prohibited during certain hours. It is strictly enforced during the Mardi Gras season, particularly in the Central Business District, Warehouse and Garden District;
Before, during and after the parades, the city will extend enforcement efforts into the neighborhoods adjacent to the published parade routes. This will minimize non-residential intrusion. Parking Officers will primarily enforce the following:
• Valid Residential Parking Permits ($40 fine),
• Safety violations which include:
• Blocking hydrants,
• Parking within 20 feet of a crosswalk, intersection, or stop sign,
• Parking in the wrong direction (vehicles must park in the direction of travel on one-way streets, and with the right wheel to the curb on two way streets),
• Vehicles blocking sidewalks,
• Vehicles blocking driveways,
• Parking in Handicap zone ($500 fine),
• Scofflaw vehicles that have unpaid parking tickets shall be immobilized.
• Vehicles parked on the neutral ground are subject to a parking violation and
seizure ($75 fine)..
For more information on parking enforcement, citizens may call:
• Department of Public Works (Parking enforcement and information), (504) 658- 8100 (answered 24 hours)
• Information related to Residential Parking Permits, (504) 658-8200
• Pay and release of boot, (504) 658-8083.
• Information on Ticket/Tow Appeals Hearings: (504) 658-8250.
The city’s neutral grounds are the direct responsibility of the Department of Parks and Parkways; therefore, any prohibited items that are placed on the neutral grounds will be removed and disposed of immediately.
The following rules are being enforced
• No bulky furniture can be placed on neutral grounds.
• No structures can be erected (i.e. viewing stands, bleachers). The only allowed structures are those that are provided by the city Of New Orleans in city designated areas or those on privately owned properties that have been granted permission and issued permits by the city’s Department of Safety and Permits.
City of New Orleans Bureau of Revenue field agents and collectors will be canvassing neighborhoods in and around parade routes to ensure businesses (including ABOs) and vendors are properly permitted. Additionally, residents or businesses charging for parking at commercial properties must be properly permitted. 501c3 organizations may apply for an exemption for a portion of the fees associated with the appropriate permits.
The Department of Sanitation is responsible for cleaning the streets, neutral grounds and sidewalks after parades held on both sides of the Mississippi River in the city of New Orleans.
Hundreds of city workers, temporary workers, and contractor employees are utilized per day in clean-up efforts. City departments and agencies involved in the clean-up effort include NOPD, Public Works, Parks and Parkways, the Equipment Maintenance Division, NORDC, Health, Sewerage and Water Board, the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office, and the Downtown Development District.
The success of Mardi Gras depends on the city returning the streets to normalcy and cleanliness as soon after each parade as possible. Therefore, cooperation from the public on parking, litter abatement, and neutral ground restrictions is vital.
• Please stand behind the barricades when they are placed along streets while the parade is passing
• Please do not run between floats or vehicles while the parade is in progress.
• Ladders should not be placed in the street or be tied together and should be placed back from the curb
• Curfew will be enforced during Mardi Gras.
This article was originally published in the February 13, 2012 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper