Filed Under:  Letter to the Editor, Opinion

Defunding the Police

26th April 2021   ·   0 Comments

The concept of defund or redirect resources associated with the police departments of America was received, at the outset, as a welcomed change. Even though many law enforcement personals were not great with the idea, many of the professional people who are viewed as liaisons between the establishment and the community were forced to accept some form of the idea. After about a year, many of the supporters have begun to wane from the idea. Many claim to be afraid of the concept of not having no police at all. They believe any address towards modifying the resources of the police will jeopardize the ability of having a peaceful community.

I have waited to hear the rebuttal from the defund police advocates to these fears. Not hearing any, I am compelled to offer a response. I turn to the lessons of the civilized world found prior to the discovery of the white race. Since the historians, of years gone by, have not found it necessary to communicate the information of what was to the modern-day population, I find it necessary to enlighten the current population of who we are as Black People and where we came from as creators of Kemet. Realizing, European education has eliminated the facts about the Black People of Kemet, I thought it was time to revisit the facts. First of all, the Pyramids were not built by slaves. Very educated and skilled craftsman built the Pyramids. But more importantly, these craftsmen lived in a society that civilized their minds and bodies. There had no police killings because there were no police or military personal within the society to have accidental shootings. In fact, there were no police or military personal necessary to protect the citizens of the political subdivisions.

It is unfortunate that the people of today are not aware that people once lived without the need of physical protection. So, defunding the police would be a way of returning to the time and place of civilization. Something we lack today. The big problem with defunding the police is the return to civilization where there were no aliens or white people to cloud or corrupt the education or belief systems that made no police or military necessary. Just like slavery made police necessary, the thoughts of true education would make the reality of no police an obtainable goal. Anything in this realm would make the continued acceptance of white supremacy a shelf dated commodity. The mere admittance to Black People being able to live in Peace and Harmony would dispel the need to have white people in positions of authority. And, with having no need for white people, white people would no longer be necessary to keep around.

We must ask ourselves, if white people have commandeered and control every aspect of Life; why are they afraid of sharing the Truth about civilization and the achievements of the Black Race? The fact that Black People were able to live in a world without police and military should be a good thing to know. To know that a people were able to conduct Life and liberty without the ills of modern-day criminality should be a model this society should want to embrace. So, what is keeping modern-day people from at least considering this model?

This has to be a question Black People from all walks of Life raise and insist an answer be given.

– Wes “W.C.” Johnson

This article originally published in the April 26, 2021 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.

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