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Joy brought us joy

10th March 2025   ·   0 Comments

By Dr. E. Faye Williams Columnist

If we can’t defeat fascism, sexism or racism in our country, who are we to tell anybody else what to do? Colin Kaepernick warned us when he chose not to stand for the National Anthem that is worshiped by the very people who voted for the man who got us into this evil backward tailspin – and now he’s even against those who voted for him, those who didn’t vote at all, those who didn’t want any woman telling them what to do – even though Kamala ran circles around the orange man who couldn’t touch her in intelligence or accomplishments. Even those who made the mistake of voting for him are sorry now because their groceries didn’t go down, the gasoline didn’t get cheaper, the hatred didn’t lessen, voting didn’t get easier – and Trump just got worse – so what are we going to do about it?

We can follow Kaepernick’s lead and kneel or stand up and sing the Black National Anthem at all of our events. We can celebrate our own people – many of whom lost their jobs or lives while fighting for the right to speak out as Joy Ann Reid did. We must celebrate our heroes and sheroes. Kneel when you sing “Lift Every Voice and Sing” if you choose, and don’t forget to honor our fathers, uncles, brothers, sisters, spouses, cousins, friends who tried their best to make America great for all of us. Don’t forget the men of Red Tails and the men and women of color who still serve in many ways for an ungrateful nation.

We don’t have to look far to see ungratefulness still exists. We’re not recipients of MAGA. Again? It never was great for us. Four Star General Charles Brown, 21st Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was dismissed without cause recently. General Colin Powell was the first Black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The haters said “enough” when it came to another Black military Chief! So many of our people still serve our country admirably without respect. Now we have a man who never knew what it’s like to serve his country and he has the nerve to insult a friendly country’s leader while defending a communist leader!

We can sit around and moan and groan, but that doesn’t make things any better for us or for those who need us most to stand up against racists and fascists. The lives of so many government workers, farmers and others (and I’m sure many of them voted for Trump) but are now suffering. Still, they don’t deserve what’s happening to them. People with disabilities, children, seniors, the poor without jobs don’t deserve what is happening.

What are the wealthy doing who became wealthy at the expense of poor people who worked for them to make them wealthy? Now they barely have enough to provide for their own families. How do wealthy people who never paid their workers fairly feel? What are they doing to help those workers?

Those of us who also have little, but share what we have with those who have nothing, must continue to stand up and fight for what’s right even when nobody else does. Let’s continue the BUYCOTT – meaning do business only with those who respect our human rights by standing up for the rights of all. No matter how much we like brands where the companies making them ignore their responsibility for giving back a part of their profits or hiring our people – drop them! You don’t have to take disrespect and still support the evildoers.

My dear Mother taught her children that “God don’t like ugly.” It’s ugly to always be the taker – and never the giver. Now that you know, as Joe Madison always asked “What are you going to do about it?”

This article originally published in the March 10, 2025 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.

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