Filed Under:  Letter to the Editor, Opinion

New Orleans Charter Schools clarification

10th January 2022   ·   0 Comments

I read with interest your article concerning charter schools and look forward to the continuing series.

I did note one inconsistency and error in the opening two paragraphs wherein you stated: 1) that Katrina left the city in shambles, and 2) that the disaster was man made, without any identification of exactly who was the responsible party.

While Katrina was a strong category 3 storm, it was the failure of the levees that led to the overwhelming disaster in the City. The various levee failures were clearly and absolutely the fault of the U.S. Corps of Engineers who first mis-engineered the levees and then intentionally under-built the levees to save the federal government some money. These facts have been proven and admitted to publicly by the Corps.

I would hope that The Louisiana Weekly and Ms. Campbell-Rock would set the record straight in any future articles that discuss the devastation of our wonderful city at the hands of the U.S. Corps of Engineers.

– Dan Silverman

This article originally published in the January 10, 2022 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.

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