Remember all the children, Mr. President
26th December 2012 · 0 Comments
Remember the 20 children who died in Newton Connecticut.
Remember the 35 children who died in Gaza this month from Israeli bombardments.
Remember the 168 children who have been killed by U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan since 2006.
Remember the 231 children killed in Afghanistan in the first 6 months of this year.
Remember the 400 other children in the U.S. under the age of 15 who die from gunshot wounds each year.
Remember the 921 children killed by U.S. air strikes against insurgents in Iraq.
Remember the 1,770 U.S. children who die each year from child abuse and maltreatment.
Remember the 16,000 children who die each day around the world from hunger.
These tragedies must end.
– Bill Quigley
This article was originally published in the December 26, 2012 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper