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SU-BR chancellor search committee names three finalists for position

18th May 2011   ·   0 Comments

The Louisiana Weekly Staff Reports

The Southern University-Baton Rouge search committee on Wednesday named three candidates to be considered for the position of chancellor on the Baton Rouge campus.

The three finalists for the position are Dr. Diola Bagayoko, SUBR Distinguished Professor of Physics and Chair of the Department of Physics; Dr. Earl G. Yarbrough Sr., former president of Savannah State University, Savannah, Ga.; and Dr. James Llorens, Assistant Chief Admin­istrative Officer, Office of the Mayor-President, Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge President.

The three finalists were presented to Southern University System President Dr. Ronald Mason Jr., who will make a recommendation to the Southern University Board of Supervisors at its next meeting in Baton Rouge on Friday, April 29.

This story originally published in the April 25, 2011 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.

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