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THE HARD TRUTH…. Bamboozled

21st May 2012   ·   0 Comments

By Min. J. Kojo Livingston
Contributing Columnist

“You put them first and they put you last. Why? Because you’re a chump, a political chump.

“I say you been tricked, you’ve been had, you’ve been misled, you’ve been bamboozled!

These are words from speeches from nearly 50 years ago by El Hajj Malik El Shabbazz bka Malcolm X. Now on the weekend of his birthday, May 19, they ring truer than ever. He was talking about how Black people were treated by politicians in 1964. The only thing changed is the calendar.

A week ago President Barack Obama “came out” for gay marriage. No big surprise there. It was a great political move.

But here’s the rub: The same civil rights leaders that keep telling us that Obama can’t address critical Black issues because of the political risk are now telling pastors to support him when he makes a bold stand for gay rights. “He can’t be the president for Black America,” is their mantra. “People will say he’s favoring Blacks.” But we’re supposed to come running when he sticks his neck out for another interest group? And we keep swallowing it?

Barack Obama has already absorbed the risk of becoming the Wall Street president, spending billions bailing them out of trouble they created. He can be the Military-Industrial president, trying to start a fight with Iran so the big boys can make money while our children die. Does anyone even question why no one wants to attack North Korea, who flaunts their nukes in the face of the West? Obama has become the Jewish president, making Israel a top priority, giving them billions and current military technology, also by refusing to even comment on the recurring atrocities committed by Israel. So now he’s the gay president.

“You put them first, they put you last.”

But first let’s do the play-by-play on Obama’s brilliant move.

The first thing you need to know is that accidents are very, very, very rare in politics. So, no, it was not a surprise to President Obama when his Vice President came out publicly for gay marriage. This was orchestrated to give the appearance that Obama’s hand was forced, letting him off the hook with his more conservative supporters. Sounds paranoid? Then read The Prince by Machiavelli which is the textbook for political mass manipulation used by politicians around the world.

Everything about the move was strategic. Some in political circles would call it a “stunt,” a symbolic action designed to impact public opinion without offering anything of substance.

The second thing you need to know is that the president is neither stupid nor crazy for making this move at this time. He’s pretty much played everybody and virtually guaranteed his re-election. Conservatives now have to scramble to figure out how to keep their gay voters and denounce the president at the same time. Their candidate will either be forced to spend time and energy waffling and tiptoeing around this issue or present himself as the strong anti-gay candidate…a classic “no-win” situation.

Meanwhile, Obama’s practiced statement (showing just the right amount of hesitation/reluctance) appeased, if not galvanized the Democrats’ gay base without promising them anything. If I heard correctly, he said the issue should be settled at the state level, freeing himself from any commitment to future action and leaving things pretty much the way they are.

The timing was perfect. It’s close enough to election time (exactly six months) to quickly mobilize gay support and far enough away to either: a) be almost forgotten by the anti-gay crowd, b) allow him time to do a last-hour backtrack on the statement, if need be, and c) put other issues on the front burner to minimize attention on an issue he has now designated a “states’ rights” matter. (Remember the last time we heard THAT term? I told you they got played.)

Next week we look at why the national Black community keeps getting played by Black elected officials and some practical things that can be done about it.

Until then, expect to stay at the back of the political bus until we demand our accountability on the front end…like everybody else does…

…and That’s the Hard Truth.

This article was originally published in the May 21, 2012 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper

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