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There’s still some good in the world

30th December 2019   ·   0 Comments

By Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq Columnist

Today is my birthday, and my church planned its usual wonderful holiday party that just happened to fall on the date I was born. The party planners had assured me they would include my favorite bubbly drink! I had my tickets. Unfortunately, as I was leaving church, I received a call that my dear younger brother had just suddenly and unexpectedly died. There went my hopes for a happy birthday party while latching my personal celebration onto my church’s holiday party that is always a great celebration.

Naturally, I wanted to feel sorry for myself after spending so many recent days feeling so down about what I had been hearing during the impeachment hearings. I saw some of the worst behavior and heard some of the most awful things said about totally innocent people. I could hardly believe my ears at what so many of the Republicans were saying. I knew what they were saying was not true.

I thought about what Donald Trump has put our country through these past three years, and how he seems determined to erase every positive thing President Barack Obama did, and all the things Michelle did to make us feel good about how many of us were working to perfect our union and help America live up to her promises for good for all of us. We didn’t hear hateful words often. We didn’t hear of taking away things like healthcare that many people so desperately needed. We didn’t hear vulgar language coming from the White House. We didn’t hear of White House and other government officials being fired or going to jail so frequently. While America has never been great for all of us, we at least believed President Obama and his team were trying to make America great for everybody, leaving no one behind.

Well, under the current president things have been different and not at all great for a great many of even those who hang onto the hate Trump projects daily. We are on overload for the negative, but in recent days we have seen some acts of kindness that give us hope, and I would like to mention a few of those things.

A few days ago, officials, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), participated in the dedication ceremony for the statue of Ponca Chief Standing Bear of Nebraska in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol.

Chief Standing Bear desiring to live up to his dead son’s wishes wanted to bury him at home because his son was worried that if his bones were not buried with his ancestors, then he would be alone in the afterlife. Standing Bear made sure his son’s remains were taken home. That was an act of grief and love that led to the Chief’s being honored as a civil rights hero and a place in the Capitol. Thanks to Nebraska for making a good thing happen. It is my wish that other states will follow in replacing those negative symbols they have with more positive ones.

A few days ago, another young man provided us with a positive act. Joe Burrow, LSU quarterback and winner of the Heisman Trophy thought of the people in need in his hometown in Ohio and immediately began raising funds for their needs.

After a zillion years, the Washington Nationals won the World Series, the Washington Mystics won the finals in the WNBA for 2019. Sorry, but Washington Football Club lost again—just as they have been told—until they change their name!

During this holiday season, let’s try to find other good and praise it!

Dr. E. Faye Williams is National President of the National Congress of Black Women.

This article originally published in the December 30, 2019 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.

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